Mental Well Being
Hello! How are you? Oh! I am good. I believe it’s the common response with which we greet everyone, but do we really are? At all times? Being good includes not only being physically healthy but also extends to our mental well being. It incorporates our feelings , thinking and behaviour, in short keeping our mind healthy. Being mentally healthy encourages us to view the challenges of life with a positive frame of mind, being more self determined and forsake negative thoughts. Let me not preach , ok, if we find ourselves quickly irritated by minor events, argue frequently or feel a sense of alienation, then probably we need some help to work on these areas. The question then pops up ,how can we do that? Well it’s pretty simple, regular light exercises, yoga, listening to soft music, indulding in a hobby or maintaining a support set of friends( in real world of course) have proved to be great.
So signing off on Dumberdore’s note:” Help will always be given to those who ask for it!”
Vidyashram Counseling team is ready!
Dr. Anushri Mathur
Dr. Rajshree Tewari
Smt. Neetu Kabra
Stay healthy!